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陈江照教授团队在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.上发表最新研究成果
发布日期:2025年02月26日 浏览次数:

近日,昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院陈江照教授团队在化学顶刊Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.上以题为“Crystallization modulation and comprehensive defect passivation by carbonyl functionalized spacer cation towards high-performance inverted perovskite solar cells”发表最新研究成果,昆工材料学院联合培养唐诗应硕士为论文第一作者,昆工材料学院陈江照教授和于月老师、大湾区大学于华教授、河北工业大学陈聪教授及皖西学院张甲甲副教授为论文的通讯作者,昆明理工大学为论文的第2单位,该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金面上、兵团重点领域科技攻关计划等项目的资助。


Figure 1. Mechanisms of crystallization modulation and synergistic passivation of grain boundaries and interface. Schematic illustration of perovskite nucleation and growth of the perovskite films (a) without and (b) with L-ABEHCl additive. (c) Schematic of the synergistic passivation of grain boundaries and interface.

Figure 2. Photovoltaic performance and long-term stability. (a) J-V curves of the champion control, L-ABEHCl(A), L-ABEHCl(I) and L-ABEHCl(A@I) devices prepared by anti-solvent method. (b) J-V curves of the champion control, L-ABEHCl(A), L-ABEHCl(I) and L-ABEHCl(A@I) devices prepared by vacuum flash evaporation in ambient air. (c) PCE of the unencapsulated four devices measured at MPP under continuous one-sun illumination in N2 atmosphere. (d) Air storing stability evolution of the unencapsulated devices held at 25%~30% relative humidity. (e) Thermal stability evolution of the unencapsulated devices held at 85 ℃ in N2.


Shiying Tang#, Zuolin Zhang#, Yue Yu*, Xinxing Liu, Dongmei He, Xuxia Shai, Jiajia Zhang*, Jing Feng, Jianhong Yi, Cong Chen*, Hua Yu*, Jiangzhao Chen*. Crystallization modulation and comprehensive defect passivation by carbonyl functionalized spacer cation towards high-performance inverted perovskite solar cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2025, e202425605.


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