近日,昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院陈江照教授团队在Nature子刊Nature Communications上以题为“Rationally designed universal passivator for high-performance single-junction and tandem perovskite solar cells”发表最新研究成果,该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金面上、兵团重点领域科技攻关计划等项目的资助。

Fig. 1| Theoretical screening of organic cations. a The chemical structures and electrostatic potential of BG+, VBE+, LBE+, and TS-. b The binding energy of BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS with FAPbI3 containing PbI anti-site, VI, and VFA defects. c-e, The binding energy of (c) BG+, (d) VBE+, and (e) LBE+ cations with FAPbI3 containing VFA defects. f Binding energy of An+, MA+, EA+, BG+, VBE+, and LBE+ with FAPbI3 containing VFA defects. g-i Charge density difference of (g) BG+, (h) VBE+, and (i) LBE+ with FAPbI3 surface encompassing VFA defects (cyan indicates a decrease in charge density, yellow indicates an increase in charge density).
Zuolin Zhang#, Yinsu Feng#, Jike Ding#, Quanxing Ma#, Hong Zhang*, Jiajia Zhang*, Mengjia Li, Taoran Geng, Wenhuan Gao, Yang Wang*, Boxue Zhang, Thierry Pauporté, Jian-Xin Tang*, Hongjian Chen, Jiangzhao Chen*, Cong Chen*. Rationally designed universal passivator for high-performance single-junction and tandem perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications 2025, 16, 753.