近日,昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院陈江照和易健宏团队在国际材料顶级期刊Advanced Materials(IF=29.4)上以题为“Stabilizing top interface by molecular locking strategy with polydentate chelating biomaterials towards efficient and stable perovskite solar cells in ambient air”发表最新研究成果,该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金面上、兵团重点领域科技攻关计划等项目的资助。
钙钛矿层和空穴传输层(HTL)之间的界面在实现高性能正置n-i-p PSC中起着关键作用。使用溶液法制备的多晶钙钛矿膜易于在本体和表面产生高浓度的缺陷。钙钛矿膜表面和界面的缺陷密度大约是钙钛矿膜体相的100倍。在金属卤化物钙钛矿膜中,空位(如VI)缺陷的形成能相对较低,使其易于在体相和表面/界面处形成;然而,反位缺陷(如I-Pb反位缺陷)通常表现为深能级缺陷,由于其高形成能而难以在钙钛矿膜的体相中形成。然而,表面/界面上的I-Pb反位缺陷的形成能远低于体相中的形成能,使得它们更有可能在钙钛矿膜的表面和界面处形成。一方面,钙钛矿膜表面和界面的深能级缺陷将作为载流子的非辐射复合中心,从而导致严重的陷阱辅助的非辐射复合,降低开路电压(VOC)和填充因子(FF),最终降低器件的PCE;另一方面,钙钛矿膜常常从表面和晶界(GBs)开始降解,表面和晶界优先受到环境中水和氧气的侵蚀;而且,表面和晶界处的缺陷将加速钙钛矿膜的分解。值得注意的是,表面和晶界处的缺陷将为离子迁移提供通道,导致PSCs的本征不稳定性。因此,最大限度地减少表面和晶界的缺陷密度对实现高效稳定的PSCs具有重要意义。除缺陷外,不同功能层之间的热膨胀系数不匹配,以及热应力引起的晶格畸变导致钙钛矿膜的残余应力,这将降低器件稳定性和PCE。总之,在钙钛矿/空穴传输层界面的缺陷和残余应力会显著降低PSCs的稳定性和PCE。因此,迫切需要通过钝化界面缺陷和释放界面应力来稳定该界面。
Figure 1. (a) Pb 4f and (b) I 3d XPS spectra for the perovskite films without and with DDPUD. (c) F 1s XPS spectra for the DDPUD-modified perovskite films and pure DDPUD molecule. (d,e) 13C NMR spectra of the pure DDPUD molecule and PbI2+DDPUD solutions. FTIR spectra of the control and DDPUD-modified perovskite films along with pure DDPUD in the range of (f) 1100-1300 cm-1 and (g) 1650-1800 cm-1. Optimized structures of the FAPbI3 surface (h) containing uncoordinated Pb2+ defects and (i) containing I-Pb anti-site defects with DDPUD.
Figure 2. GIXRD spectra with different ω values (0.5~1.5) of the (a) control and (b) DDPUD-modified perovskite films. Top-view SEM images of the (c) control and (d) DDPUD-modified perovskite films. The scale bar is 1 μm. AFM images of the perovskite films (e) without and (f) with DDPUD modification. SCLC versus voltage for the ITO/perovskite/without or with DDPUD/Au.
Figure 3. PL mapping images of the (a) glass/perovskite and (b) glass/perovskite/DDPUD films. (c) SSPL and (d) TRPL spectra of the glass/perovskite/without and with DDPUD. “PVSK” stands for the perovskite layer. (e) SSPL and (f) TRPL spectra of the glass/perovskite/without and with DDPUD/HTL.
Figure 4. (a) TPV and (b) TPC decay curves of the PSCs with and without DDPUD modification. (c) The light-intensity dependence curves of VOC for the control and DDPUD-modified devices.
Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of the device structure using DDPUD to modify the top surface of perovskite. J-V curves of the champion (b) BA-, (c) EDA-, (d) DDPUD-treated and control devices using Rb0.02(FA0.95Cs0.05)0.98PbI2.91Br0.03Cl0.06 composition. (e) J-V curves of the best-performing control and DDPUD-modified devices based on FA0.85MA0.15PbI3 composition. (f)J-V curves of the control and DDPUD-modified devices under an active area of 1 cm2 based on Rb0.02(FA0.95Cs0.05)0.98PbI2.91Br0.03Cl0.06 composition. (g) The stabilized photocurrent density of for the control and DDPUD-passivated devices. Normalized PCE of the unencapsulated control and DDPUD-modified PSCs in dark environment: (h) under a relative humidity (RH) of 10-20%, and (i) aged at 65 ℃ in a N2-filled glovebox.
Baibai Liu#, Xiaodong Ren#, Ru Li#, Yu Chen#, Dongmei He*, Yong Li, Qian Zhou, Danqing Ma, Xiao Han, Xuxia Shai*, Ke Yang, Shirong Lu, Zhengfu Zhang, Jing Feng, Cong Chen*, Jianhong Yi*, Jiangzhao Chen*. Stabilizing top interface by molecular locking strategy with polydentate chelating biomaterials towards efficient and stable perovskite solar cells in ambient air. Advanced Materials 2024, 10.1002/adma.202312679.