近日,昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院陈江照教授团队在国际知名学术期刊Advanced Energy Materials(IF=27.8)上以题为“Heterointerface energetics regulation strategy enabled efficient perovskite solar cells”发表最新研究成果,该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金面上等项目的资助。
Figure 1. a) Device structure of the KTFA-modified perovskite solar cells. b) The champion J–V curves for control and KTFA modified Rb0.02(Cs0.05FA0.95)0.98PbI0.91Br0.03Cl0.06-based PSCs from the reverse and forward scans. c) The champion J–V curves for control and KTFA-modified Cs0.05FA0.95PbI3-based PSCs from the reverse scan. d) The typical J–V curve of 1.0 cm2 active area size devices; LBIC detection results of the e) control and f) KTFA-modified PSC. The measured area of KTFA-modified PCSs is shown in the red dotted line area in (d), in which both length and width are 5.0 mm × 5.0 mm. g) Standardized PCE values for control and KTFA-modified PSC devices over a long period in an environment with a relative humidity of 30% ± 5% and no packaging. h) MPP output tracking of the control and KTFA-modified PSCs.
Yunfei Zhu, Zuolin Zhang, Xuefan Zhao, Mengjia Li, Yinsu Feng, Shuliang Zhang*, Wenhuan Gao, Jiangzhao Chen*, Jian-Xin Tang*, Cong Chen*. Heterointerface energetics regulation strategy enabled efficient perovskite solar cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2024, 2303946.